
Conversion from thorpy 1.X versions should be straightforward as long as your code uses simple elements. Here are some typical traps you may encounter, along with the ways to avoid them: As indicated in Thorpy1 repository and code, the old Thorpy site can be found here:

Old GitHub repository :

thorpy.make_button(...) becomes thorpy.Button(...)
thorpy.make_text(...) becomes thorpy.Text(...)
thorpy.make_group(...) becomes thorpy.Group(...)
my_element.set_main_color(...) becomes my_element.set_bck_color(...)
my_element.get_image(...) becomes my_element.get_current_frame(...)
my_element.get_fus_rect() becomes my_element.get_rect()
my_element.move((dx,dy)) becomes my_element.move(dx,dy)
thorpy.make_textbox_nobutton("Title", "Descr") becomes thorpy.TitleBox("Title", thorpy.Text("Descr"))
thorpy.load_image no longer exists. Just load the image with pygame and set the colorkey afterwards.
No Thorpy Application object is needed anymore, as Pygame is sufficiently simple on this point. At the beginning of your application, you should now explicitely include pygame and create the display surface:
import pygame, thorpy
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1024,780))
thorpy.set_default_font("arial", 20) #(optional)
thorpy.init(screen, thorpy.theme_human)