
A GUI library for pygame

Examples - User choices (2)

Full code

It is shown here how to use user input on several procedurally generated buttons.

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import thorpy application = thorpy.Application(size=(500, 500)) thorpy.set_theme("round") def launch_menu(choices): title = thorpy.make_text("Choose something", 14, (255,0,0)) #now define the behaviour of clicked elements def at_press(what): some_text.set_text(what) #change the element content (see below) thorpy.functions.quit_menu_func() #exit the menu #align the elements (size has changed) background.unblit_and_reblit() #dynamically create elements elements = [] for text in choices: element = thorpy.make_button(text, func=at_press) element.user_params = {"what":text} elements.append(element) #box to store everything box = thorpy.Box([title] + elements) box.set_main_color((200,200,200,150)) m = thorpy.Menu(box) some_text = thorpy.make_text("Click on the button below to change the text.", 18) choices = ["My new text", "Another proposition", "Blah", "blah"] button = thorpy.make_button("Change text", launch_menu, {"choices":choices}) background = thorpy.Background(elements=[some_text,button]) menu = thorpy.Menu(background) application.quit()