
A GUI library for pygame

Examples - Image buttons

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Here is shown a fast way to create buttons from images. The image used can be different for normal, hover and pressed states. If no image is passed for hover and/or pressed states, the image for normal state will be used by default.

The files used in this example are normal.png, hover.png and pressed.png.

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"""Show how to use image to make buttons. Here 2 buttons are created.""" import thorpy, pygame application = thorpy.Application((500,500), "Image buttons") root = "../documentation/examples/" normal, pressed, hover = "normal.png", "pressed.png", "hover.png" button1 = thorpy.make_image_button(root+normal, root+pressed, root+hover, alpha=255, #opaque colorkey=(255,255,255)) #white=transparent #this time a very simple button, with a text (only 1 image) button2 = thorpy.make_image_button(root+hover, colorkey=False, text="Hello") background = thorpy.Background(, elements=[button1, button2]) menu = thorpy.Menu(background) application.quit()