
We show here how to set up a pool of Togglables (on/off) elements, in such a way that
only once at a time is in the state 'on'. This can be seen as a system of tabs.

import pygame
import thorpy as tp

W,H = 1200, 700
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((W, H))
tp.init(screen, tp.theme_human) #bind screen to gui elements and set theme

my_pool = tp.TogglablesPool("Difficulty",
                            ("Beginner", "Intermediate", "Pro"), #possibilities
                            "Beginner", #initial value (you can aldo pass its index, e.g. 0 here)
                            togglable_type="toggle") #either 'toggle', 'radio' or 'checkbox'
# my_pool.sort_children("v", align="left") #if you don't want default horizontal align

choice = tp.Text("Your choice: " + my_pool.get_value())
box = tp.TitleBox("Togglables Pool Example", [my_pool, choice])

def refresh():#some function that you call once per frame
    if my_pool.get_value():
        choice.set_text("Your choice: " + my_pool.get_value(), adapt_parent=True)
#For the sake of brevity, the main loop is replaced here by a shorter but blackbox-like method
player = box.get_updater().launch(refresh)